Virginia Thespian One Act Festival

Bringing a one-act play to the Virginia Thespian Festival offers a multitude of compelling reasons for both performers and audiences alike. Firstly, one-act plays provide a condensed yet impactful theatrical experience, allowing for a concise and focused storytelling that can captivate the audience's attention from start to finish. This format often demands precision and intensity from the performers, leading to powerful performances that resonate deeply with viewers.
Additionally, the Virginia Thespian Festival serves as a unique platform for artists to showcase their skills and creativity. A one-act play offers the opportunity to demonstrate versatility in acting, directing, and technical execution within a limited timeframe. This challenge can foster growth and development among participants, pushing them to explore innovative approaches to storytelling and staging.
Furthermore, the festival environment itself fosters a vibrant exchange of ideas and a sense of community among theater enthusiasts. Presenting a one-act play at the festival allows performers and crews to connect with peers, receive constructive feedback from experienced professionals, and immerse themselves in a supportive network of fellow theater aficionados. This experience can prove invaluable for honing skills, gaining exposure, and broadening one's perspective on the craft of theater. Ultimately, bringing a one-act play to the Virginia Thespian Festival offers a unique chance to celebrate the art of theater, showcase talent, and contribute to the rich tapestry of theatrical expression.
Additionally, the Virginia Thespian Festival serves as a unique platform for artists to showcase their skills and creativity. A one-act play offers the opportunity to demonstrate versatility in acting, directing, and technical execution within a limited timeframe. This challenge can foster growth and development among participants, pushing them to explore innovative approaches to storytelling and staging.
Furthermore, the festival environment itself fosters a vibrant exchange of ideas and a sense of community among theater enthusiasts. Presenting a one-act play at the festival allows performers and crews to connect with peers, receive constructive feedback from experienced professionals, and immerse themselves in a supportive network of fellow theater aficionados. This experience can prove invaluable for honing skills, gaining exposure, and broadening one's perspective on the craft of theater. Ultimately, bringing a one-act play to the Virginia Thespian Festival offers a unique chance to celebrate the art of theater, showcase talent, and contribute to the rich tapestry of theatrical expression.
2025 ONE ACT TICKETS- Coming this fall
We are trying something new this year and pre-allocating one act tickets! To save seats in the one acts of your choice, go to our Booktix website. Note that ONLY registered attendees may attend one acts and all other performances. We have limited seats available.
LIST OF AWARDSCHAPTER SELECT STATE CHAMPION: This school will represent the Virginia Thespian Chapter at the International Thespian Festival
RUNNER-UP: This school will represent the Virginia Thespian Chapter at the International Thespian Festival in the event the Chapter Select is unable to attend. ACTING AWARDS:
TAKE HOME THE HARDWARE!Each school who participates in the One Act Festival will receive a plaque to take back to their home school to commemorate their success and hard work. We know it takes a lot to travel a show, and we want you to celebrate that work at your school with your administration and your community! |
VIRGINIA Thespians follow the National Guidelines for One Acts, and selects a One Act to recommend for performance at the International Thespian Festival called the Chapter Select. To be chosen as Chapter Select, One Acts must be adjudicated at the Virginia State Thespian Festival by an evaluation team selected by the chapter director and/or governing board.
WHO EVALUATES:The evaluation team may select one top-quality show (and an alternate in case the first school is unable to attend) as the Chapter Select representing the State of Virginia in the Chapter Select Showcase at the International Thespian Festival. The Chapter Select will be the One Act that receives the highest rating on the Virginia Thespian Festival Rubric.
ONE ACT TIME SLOTS: At the International Thespian Festival, performances take place at Indiana University Bloomington. On both the state and national levels, a One Act is granted forty-five minutes of performance time, fifteen minutes to set, and fifteen minutes to strike. At the state level, performance slots will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis until the One Act schedule is full.
ONE ACT TITLE SLOTS: To ensure the widest array of theatrical variety, no two schools will be allowed to present the same title at the same festival. If presenting a One Act the troupe must be registered for the entire Festival weekend.
Troupes that exceed any time limit (set, performance, strike) will be disqualified.
Additional Awards will be given out to schools at the Awards Ceremony on the Sunday of festival in: Best Performer, Best Technical Aspects, Best Story, Best Ensemble, Best Voice, Best Truth in World
1. Attend a Mandatory One Act Director's/Stage Manager's meeting
2. All Troupes will be given a 10 minute walk through to have questions answered and to have cast/crew walk the space
3. Troupes will have 15 minutes to set and 15 minutes to strike their set.
4. Technicians may enter the booth 15 minutes prior to the beginning of his/her Troupe’s performance.
5. Do not touch or use anything that does not belong to you or your Troupe. This includes, but is not limited to, ladders, stage weights, chairs, etc.
6. We encourage actors to be in costume prior to their performance slot.
7. If a troupe misses its time slot, there is no guarantee that a later time slot will be made available.
- No video or audio recording is permitted during any one act performance.
- Time begins immediately after the troupe director informs the troupe stage manager to begin and the stage manager says “Go" to the Backstage Director.
- Time ends when the stage manager and/or troupe director informs the Backstage Director that everything is “clear,” the stage is inspected, and the Backstage Director agrees with the troupe’s stage manager. To facilitate this, the troupe director should closely monitor the entire action. Time does not end until the troupe director has certified everything is truly clear, the stage is cleaned of all debris, and everything is safely stored in the troupe’s assigned storage area.
- The official time will be kept by the designated Backstage Director who may at his/her discretion appoint other timekeepers to help verify his/her times. The designated Backstage Director is responsible for recording the official time.
- No cue or theatrical action is permitted before or after the calls of “go” and “clear” by the stage manager except as required by the Troupe Director.
- All music and/or sound effects must be contained within the forty-five minute time limit.
- Troupe directors and/or any other adult may assist in any fashion but are not permitted to act and/or be a prop within the performance.
- Only registered members of the performing school’s cast and crew, venue technicians, adjudicators, and those granted permission by the troupe director are permitted backstage during any performance.
- The use of any aerosol products (including but not limited to paint, hairspray, hair color, cleaning products, etc.) must be completely contained. None of the product can escape to the stage floor or curtains in any venue.
- If food or drink is used within a production, the troupe must bring their own cleaning supplies to aid in the strike of any material that falls on the stage.
- The spraying, throwing, sprinkling, spilling, dropping, or scattering of any liquid, powder, cleaning product, or any substance that can not be removed completely by a broom as a part of the strike is strictly forbidden. Special care should be taken if any form of glitter, powder, or confetti is used as a part of a production, costume or make-up. All remnants must be removed from the floor before each Troupe’s allotted time expires.
- Since brooms may not be available at all venues, each participating Troupe should supply its own. The lack of a broom will not be an excuse for not cleaning the stage within the allotted time.
- The use of smoke, fire, candles, matches, butane lighters, haze, fog, pyrotechnical effects or any other form of an open flame is strictly forbidden.
- Prop Guns: A prop gun may be used if essential to the scene as long as it meets the following criteria:
- Troupe Director has informed the Virginia Chapter Director 30 days in advance.
- The prop gun can not have any moving parts.
- The prop gun must have a solid filled barrel.
- The University facility managers must inspect all prop firearms prior to the performance.
- Students may not carry or transport the prop gun to or from the performance site.
- Plan and/or adjust your blocking to ensure all members of your troupe’s cast and crew remain within the designated acting area..
- Refrain from handling or touching any curtains or masking material. Even touching a curtain with the cleanest hand can reduce the life of the material.
- A written critique of each participating troupe’s one act performance will be given to the sponsor following the close of festival.
- General area lighting is available at the Virginia State Thespian Festival. Due to the nature of the event, special lighting effects may not be achieved. Available lighting is limited to a general stage wash. Vignette lighting for separate areas of the stage is only available by special request, which should be made to the One-Act Chair in advance of the Festival weekend. This is in alignment with the lighting procedures for the Chapter-Select Showcase at International Thespian Festival and most other one-act competitions.
- Sound must be provided by the production and can be played using a CD player, amplification, and speakers. Groups may use their own “boom box” or utilize an MP3 player connected to the theatre sound system. The use of microphones and/or lighting sources (other than what is provided) is not permitted.
- The use of flats is not allowed at the Virginia Thespian Festival nor at the Chapter Select Showcase at the International Thespian Festival. The use of set pieces and props are allowed provided the following guidelines are followed:
- A set piece/prop is any item that will fit through a single door and can be carried by two people
- Hand props are those items to be carried onstage by the actors in one hand.
- For your convenience conference room style chairs may be available at the venue.
- If your school is invited to present in the Chapter Select Showcase at The International Thespian Festival, you will be sent detailed guidelines along with a list of stock set pieces that will be available at nationals.
Please Note: All shows must adhere to the festival rules and guidelines stated above. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.